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The Liberal Network of Latin America (RELIAL) announces the composition of its new Board for 2020-2022.
• President: Bertha Pantoja
• Vice-president: Pedro A. Urruchurtu
• Secretary: Marielos Alfaro
• Member I: Víctor Bisonó
• Member II: Bettina Horst
• Member III: Alejandro Bongiovanni
• Treasurer: Ricardo Gomes
The new board, elected for the period 2020-2022, assumed its responsibility at the RELIAL Annual Assembly which was held this Tuesday, October 13th, 2020, via a digital platform. The RELIAL Board of Directors is the highest decision-making authority in the network; every two years, the Board is democratically elected by the full members, in accordance with the internal regulations and within the rules of the electoral process that is subject to the convocation issued by the Electoral Tribunal appointed by RELIAL.
This year, the Electoral Tribunal was chaired by Carlos Alberto Montaner, member of the RELIAL honorary board, assisted by Celito Arlegue, Executive Director of the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) and Nangamso Kwinana, Coordinator of Africa Liberal Network (ALN) .
In accordance with the call and the internal processes that govern the Board, the following positions were decided by consensus: President, Bertha Pantoja (Caminos de Libertad, Mexico); Vice President, Pedro A. Urruchurtu (VENTE Political Movement, Venezuela); Secretary, Marielos Alfaro (Instituto Desarrollo Ambiente y Libertad IDEAL Lat, Costa Rica); Víctor Bisonó, Member I (Center for Analysis of Public Policies, Dominican Republic); Bettina Horst, Member II (Libertad y Desarrollo, Chile); Alejandro Bongiovanni, Member III (Fundación Libertad, Argentina); Ricardo Gomes, Treasurer (Institute of Business Studies, Brazil).
The composition of this Board of Directors expresses the synergy between think tanks and political parties that is part of the mission of the network, as well as the harmonious integration of organizations from all part of the region that makes RELIAL the most representative union of liberal organizations in the region.
With this brilliant group of people, highly recognized and appreciated by all members, RELIAL reaffirms its commitment to disseminate and implement liberal principles and values such as Democracy, the Market Economy, the Rule of Law and Human and Civil Rights, as well as to promote a liberal thematic agenda that responds to the various problems that afflict the continent, and thus, strengthen cooperation and coordination among its members.
As part of the agenda of the new Board and of all the organizations that make up RELIAL, we invite the general public to be part of the RELIAL 2020 virtual Congress to be held on Thursday, October 29, from 08:30 to 13: 00 (Time-Mexico City). The registration, program and all the necessary information is available at:
Cerrada Relox 32,
Col. Chimalistac 01070,
Ciudad de México
© RELIAL 2025
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