Inicio » Comunicados » Taiwan Can Help
The Liberal Network for Latin America (RELIAL) joins all the voices around world calling for the full incorporation of Taiwan in the processes of information exchange and of global coordinated activities of the World Health Organization (WHO). Today more than ever Latin America must follow professional and effective examples; Correct and timely information is required, both to preserve life as well as to overcome the economic crises caused by the pandemic.
Taiwan is a benchmark to follow. Its officials have sufficient experience in crisis and epidemic management (as demonstrated previously during the Sars crisis of 2003), and today they are again demonstrating well-targetted and effective ways to fight against COVID-19. Therefore the inclusion of Taiwan in the global network for the prevention of infectious diseases will benefit many countries and will help to make the work of the WHO more effective.
At this crucial moment where difficult and urgent decisions need to be made, we appeal to the WHO to hear this call to enable us all to benefit from the voice and experience of Taiwan.
Cerrada Relox 32,
Col. Chimalistac 01070,
Ciudad de México
© RELIAL 2025
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